If you are in need of Basic Blessing services, please come to the next Basic Blessing Distribution (dates shown below) with a copy of a local utility bill showing your name and address. If you have school age children living with you, please bring a copy of their birth certificates with you as well. Upon arrival, let the Basic Blessing workers know that you are a new client and you need to register.
COVID-19 ARRANGEMENTS: If you are sick, we ask that you stay home to recuperate and have someone else come to the distribution on your behalf.
1. Do NOT come if you are sick! (fever, chills, coughing, sneezing, any signs of Covid-19).
2. Clients are now able to enter the Basic Blessings room 3 at a time when called.
Numbers will be given out at approximately 9:30 am on distribution days.
3. At this time, masks are not mandatory at the distributions for healthy individuals.
Below is a photo showing part of the Basic Blessing "store"

- - - 2024 DISTRIBUTIONS - - -
January: Sat, Jan. 20 @ 10am February: Sat, Feb. 17 @ 10am
March: Sat, Mar. 16 @ 10am April: Sat, Apr. 20 @ 10am
May: Sat, May 18 @ 10am June: Sat, June 15 @ 10am
July: Sat, July 20 @ 10am August: Sat, Aug. 17 @ 10am
September: Sat, Sept. 21 @ 10am October: Sat, Oct. 19 @ 10am
November: Sat, Nov. 16 @ 10am December: Sat, Dec. 21 @ 10am
About Basic Blessings
Tabernacle Basic Blessings began in 2017 after one of our adult Sunday School classes finished a study in the book of Acts. They wanted to apply the compassionate and caring lessons that they learned from the study and put it into action! As a result, a modern day "Acts Ministry" to our local community was formed called Tabernacle Basic Blessings.
“TBB” is designed to reach out to those who are struggling to afford basic necessities to their families. There are plenty of food banks and social programs available to the community in our area, but there are few that give out the basic needs such as toothpaste, shampoo, toilet paper, laundry detergent, deodorant, etc. Tabernacle Basic Blessings is providing these basic necessities! Distributions are held from the Basic Blessings room at Tabernacle UMC on the third Saturday every month from 10-11:00 am for those in the surrounding community. New clients are asked to bring proof of residency and birth certificates for each child living in the household.
We are encouraged to see this ministry growing and meeting the needs of those in our community. A list of items that are needed is posted on the church website and bulletin boards.
There are several ways you can help:
1. Donate items
2. Donate funds to purchase items
3. Serve at the monthly distribution
4. Donate gift cards from Shoprite, Acme, Dollar stores or Walmart that can be used to purchase needed supplies.
Here are a list of necessities that are needed on a regular basis: Baby wipes, Baby Rash Ointment, Baby Wash, Bandaids, Body soap, Chapstick, Deodorant, Denture Supplies, Diapers, Dish soap, Feminine Products, First Aid Ointment, Hairbrushes/ Combs, Hand Sanitizer, Incontinence pads, Kid’s Shampoo, Laundry Detergent, Multi-surface Cleaner, Toilet Cleaner, Lotion, Pull ups, Shampoo, Conditioner, Shavers, Shaving cream, Sunblock, Tissues, Toilet paper, Toothbrush / Floss, Toothpaste, Washcloths.
Please pray about your involvement as we take the next step to change lives, transform the community, and renew the church.
Please contact Paula (732) 687-4853 or Kelli (609) 972-5169 for more information.
Donations to Basic Blessings may be made on our website "Giving Page"